
BrightLocal vs Yext: How to Choose Between BrightLocal and Yext for Local SEO

In today’s digital age, local SEO tools have become essential for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and attract local customers. Two prominent players in this field are BrightLocal and Yext. Both offer robust solutions for managing local listings, tracking local search performance, and optimizing local SEO efforts. In this blog post, we will delve into the differences between BrightLocal and Yext, helping you understand which tool might be the best fit for your business needs. Let’s compare BrightLocal and Yext.


What is BrightLocal?

BrightLocal is a feature-rich local search engine optimization software made

to assist companies in increasing their online presence.


Key Features and Benefits

  1. Local Search Rank Tracking: BrightLocal provides detailed insights into your local search rankings across multiple search engines.

  2. Citation Building and Management: It helps in building and managing local citations to ensure consistent business information across the web.

  3. Review Management: BrightLocal allows you to monitor and respond to customer reviews from various platforms, aiding in reputation management.

  4. SEO Audits: The platform performs comprehensive local SEO audits to identify areas for improvement.

  5. Reporting: BrightLocal offers customizable white-label reports, making it easy to share insights with clients or team members.


BrightLocal Login

To access BrightLocal, you need to log in to your account. Here’s how:

  1. Visit the BrightLocal Website: Navigate to the BrightLocal homepage.

  2. Locate and click the Login Button: in the upper right corner of the page.

  3. Enter Your Credentials: Input your email address and password.

  4. Access Your Dashboard: Once logged in, you’ll be directed to your dashboard, where you can manage your local SEO activities.


Tips for Managing Your BrightLocal Account

  • Regular Updates: Keep your business information up-to-date to ensure accuracy across all listings.

  • Monitor Reviews: Regularly check and respond to reviews to maintain a positive online reputation.

  • Utilize Reports: Leverage the reporting tools to track your progress and identify areas for improvement.


BrightLocal Pricing

BrightLocal offers several pricing plans to cater to different business needs:

  1. Single Business Plan: Starting at $29 per month, ideal for small businesses.

  2. Multi-Business Plan: Starting at $49 per month, suitable for agencies managing multiple clients.

  3. SEO Pro Plan: Starting at $79 per month, offering advanced features for SEO professionals.

  4. Custom Enterprise Plan: Tailored pricing for large enterprises with specific requirements.


Comparison of Features Across Different Pricing Tiers

  • Single Business Plan: Includes basic features like local rank tracking, citation tracking, and review management.

  • Multi-Business Plan: Adds more advanced features like competitor tracking and more extensive reporting options.

  • SEO Pro Plan: Offers comprehensive features, including full SEO audits, extended reporting capabilities, and more.


What is Yext?

Yext is a powerful digital knowledge management platform that gives businesses control over their online presence. It ensures that business information is accurate and consistent across various directories, search engines, and social media platforms.


Key Features and Benefits

  1. Knowledge Manager: Centralizes your business information, ensuring consistency across the web.

  2. Listings Management: Automates the process of updating your business information across multiple directories.

  3. Review Management: Monitors and responds to customer reviews, helping manage your online reputation.

  4. Pages: Creates optimized landing pages for your business locations to enhance local search visibility.

  5. Analytics: Provides insights into how customers are interacting with your business listings and pages.


Yext Text

Yext’s text services allow businesses to send text-based updates and notifications to their customers. This feature can be used for:

  • Appointment Reminders: Send reminders to customers about upcoming appointments.

  • Promotional Messages: Inform customers about special offers and promotions.

  • Customer Feedback: Request feedback or reviews from customers to enhance your online reputation.


Yext Pricing

Yext offers a variety of pricing plans, which include:

  1. Emerging Starter: Starting at $199 per year, ideal for small businesses.

  2. Essential Package: Starting at $499 per year, includes additional features like review monitoring.

  3. Complete Package: Starting at $999 per year, it offers the full suite of Yext’s tools.

  4. Custom Enterprise Solutions: Tailored pricing based on specific enterprise needs.

Comparison of Features Across Different Pricing Tiers

  • Emerging Starter: Basic listing management and essential features.

  • Essential Package: Adds review monitoring and analytics.

  • Complete Package: Full access to all features, including pages and advanced analytics.


BrightLocal vs Yext: Detailed Comparison

Features Comparison

Both BrightLocal and Yext offer comprehensive tools for local SEO, but they have different strengths:

  • BrightLocal: Excels in providing detailed SEO audits, customizable reporting, and a strong focus on local search rank tracking.

  • Yext: Specializes in digital knowledge management, ensuring business information is consistent across multiple platforms and providing robust analytics and review management features.

Ease of Use

  • BrightLocal: User-friendly interface with straightforward navigation, making it easy for users to access and manage their tools.

  • Yext Also offers an intuitive interface but with a slightly steeper learning curve due to its extensive features and capabilities.


Customer Reviews and Feedback

  • BrightLocal: Generally positive reviews highlighting its effectiveness in improving local SEO and ease of use.

  • Yext: Positive feedback for its comprehensive listings management and robust analytics, though some users note the higher cost.


Integrations and Compatibility

  • BrightLocal Integrates with various third-party tools, such as Google My Business, Facebook, and other SEO and marketing tools.

  • Yext offers a wide range of integrations, including Google, Bing, Facebook, and more, ensuring broad compatibility with existing digital marketing efforts.


Support and Resources

  • BrightLocal provides extensive support options, including live chat, email support, and a comprehensive knowledge base with tutorials and webinars.

Yext offers strong customer support through live chat and phone support and a rich resource library with guides, webinars, and tutorials.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the primary difference between BrightLocal and Yext? The primary difference lies in their core focus: BrightLocal is geared towards comprehensive local SEO and rank tracking, while Yext specializes in digital knowledge management and ensuring consistent business information across multiple platforms.

Which tool is more cost-effective for small businesses? BrightLocal tends to be more cost-effective for small businesses, with lower starting prices and flexible plans. Yext, while offering robust features, is generally more expensive.

Can I use both BrightLocal and Yext together? Yes, many businesses use both tools together to leverage the strengths of each platform—BrightLocal for detailed SEO and rank tracking, and Yext for managing business information and listings.

How does the setup process compare between BrightLocal and Yext? Both platforms offer user-friendly setup processes, though Yext’s setup might take slightly longer due to its extensive feature set and the need to manage information across multiple platforms.

Are there any free trial options available for BrightLocal or Yext? BrightLocal offers a 14-day free trial for new users. Yext occasionally provides free trials or demos, but this can vary, so it’s best to check their website for current offers.


Choosing between BrightLocal and Yext depends on your business’s specific needs. BrightLocal is ideal for businesses focused on improving their local search rankings and performing detailed SEO audits. Yext, on the other hand, excels in managing and maintaining consistent business information across multiple platforms and provides robust analytics.


We encourage you to explore both tools and take advantage of any free trials or demos available. The optimal option will ultimately rely on your financial situation and unique needs.Whether you choose BrightLocal, Yext, or both, investing in a strong local SEO strategy will undoubtedly benefit your business in the long run.


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